Vocabulary Builder II -- Are We Done Yet?

He's back! You can't keep a good man down - or out for that matter. I'll step aside and let Skunkfeathers work his etymological magic.
Vocabulary Builder II -- Are We Done Yet?
*Another from the cruciverbalist, lexicological archives of dubious antecedence and syntax*
After an apparent successful effort at vocabification for to help edumacate my readers -- and the blog wasn't stormed by the NEA or Reader's Digest -- I'm back for anuddah go at furthering cruciverbalism in the cyberland of the written woid.
This time out, I will focus on, though not exclusively, more obscure, infrequently used words. Words that ought not be forgotten, simply because you haven't heard anyone use them, and no one would know what you just said if you insert them into casual conversation with a four year old. Or, in the case of Washington, DC parents, your 18-30 year olds.
Sure, sure...they don't know any of these words, but they know all the short syllabled ones that allow them to follow along with gangsta rap lyrics:
- state trapped between Califorlornia and Washington state
- an instrument of thought or logic
- support grope for recovering organists (see what I just did there?)
- *special extra choice implied by a reader* six-fingered lad missed the 'G' spot again...
- something that's really..
- an air leak in a closed system
- upping the ante on a dare
- injury caused by a writing utensil
- a jury of peers in a writ of habeus penus
- eternal damnation (ie., what I'll get for those other two choices)
- country between Spain and the Atlantic
- goose your girlfriend
- recklessly wasteful
- an Asian plant with pink/white flowers
- what Nigerians try to do via email
- the art of political fund raising (where the Nigerians probably learned from)
- head gear for a sect of feline nuns
- a city in eastern Syria
- the natural home of an organism
- a specialty dish at Thanksgiving
- an obscenity in Azerbajani
- a gossip
Lapsus calami:
- Latin for "a slip of the pen"
- Latin for "licks squid"
- Latin for "I thought you were on the pill"
- a noxious emanation
- a disease afflicting dogs seeking the more comfy chair
- an overwhelming psychological urge to visit Graceland
- the simple precis of a Michael Moore mockumentary
- proper title for someone of non-royalty
- a look into the mind of a serial blonde
- an off-Broadway musical about the life and times of Dr. Sigmund
- a song from the bar scene in Star Wars
- composure in the face of aggravating circumstances
- the longest word in this entry
- a tinkling of bells
- someone tinkling on bells
- obstinate
- going into the wrong rest room
- when guys think widda "other" head
- what police try to elicit from eyewitnesses at a crime scene
- a nickname for someone who did a face plant on their keyboard
- a set of letters or characters in a particular design
- a really big friggin' Virginian
- a wine flavored with flatulent herbs
- to depart in haste, 'specially if chased by that big friggin' Virginian
- stupid insect
- substance used in doping a semi-conductor
- edible pants
- no alterations needed
- gesundheit
- a polecat
- a scarf used as a kleenex
- an acronym for Situation Naturally All Really F***ed
- a word someone made up
- fish eggs as a hors d'oeuvre
- served at funeral home parties
- a really nasty idea for road kill
- her torso
- what Elmer Fudd's spouse is in cwisis over...hahahahaha...(ducking boos and throwd items)
- trained to assist in child birth
I know you're glad that's over. But it ain't...Part III coming up...
That's right. He'll be back as soon as tomorrow. So stay tuned to the same Blog channel.
Way to go, Skunkfeathers. Those were great.
My personal favs: vamoose and cadaviar.
I used cadaviar on a funeral home sales dude a couple years ago...he barely cracked a smile, while my brother bit through his lip trying not to laugh...my bad.
I just love this stuff! I say we shanghai -- er, draft Skunkfeathers to the team on a regular basis. Word play just doesn't get any better than this.:-)
I second that motion, Serena.
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