
There's Got To Be A Word

The idea behind the creation of Verbicidal Tendencies was for us to post specifically about ...words! It's not always easy to adhere to that theme, but for the most part, Serena and I have remained true to our goal.

My post today was actually born out of the posting 45 Caliber Salute over at my site, It Occurred To Me. That post could have qualified with the "word theme" of this site. It dealt with two topics: hit songs from the old 45 RPM records and the convoluted results one can get from "googling" using less-than-specific key words.

Do check out the link above and see the almost comical trail on which a "less-than-specific" key word led me.

Although not mentioned the aforementioned post, below are the lyrics for an obscure hit record I remembered from my senior year in high school. It fits our theme very nicely. (I was specific when I googled for the these lyrics.)

There's Got To Be A Word
- Innocence, 1966

There's got to be a word that means more than love,
But I can't seem to find it.
There's got to be a word that says more than love,
Cause now I'm stuck behind it.

If Mr. Webster gave it more thought,
I'm sure that he would have had for this feeling I have
Another word beyond the meaning of love.

There's got to be a word that means more than love,
But I just can't convey it.
There's got to be a word that says more than love,
I'll talk until I say it.

In each book that I take from the shelf,
The deeper the plot, the closer it gets
To just the word love and nothing beyond.

I think our words are due for a change;
So what say we start.
Let us rearrange that from which we never can part

To the one and only word that means more than love,
And we'll all feel much better.
Crazy tho it seems I feel more than love
So far beyond each letter.

I've been this way since heaven knows when,
And if I had it there to do over again,
I'd spare myself the misery of words.

There's got to be a word that means more than love,
But I just can't convey it.
There's got to be a word that says more than love,
I'll talk until I say it.



Shari said...

Well, they do say love is very hard to describe. You just know it when you feel it. Thus, the word love itself would have to be very hard to "synonymize".

But I just checked my trusty thesaurus in MS Word: adore, worship, care for, devoted, feel affection for, passion, tenderness...but nothing new, nothing more to add.

Well, I see a lot of combining words,such as blogaversary, TomCat, Brangelina...how about ladore, adove, lovoted,...on second thought, love by any other word is just not love. ;)

Serena said...

Hmm. It's an interesting conundrum. It's probably better to just "feel" that which is stronger than love than trying to describe it in one word. Very nice post, Mike.:)